Summary: A fun, high-energy way to incorporate the parachute into programming!
- Parachute
- Small ball or stuffed animal
- Organize players evenly around the parachute so each is standing up and holding onto their own color section. Each color constitutes a team.
- The game facilitator throws a stuffed animal or ball onto the parachute and, when he or she says go, all the kids shake the parachute, trying to get the object onto their team’s color.
- The game facilitator will yell “Drop it!” randomly and everybody has to drop the parachute. Whichever color block the object lands on wins a point for that team! You can keep going for as many rounds as you want!
Debrief Questions:
- What did you do to work together with your teammates?
Activity Length: Medium (15-30 minutes)
Energy Level: High
Grade Level: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & Up
Group Size: Large (10+), Medium (5-9)