Summary: Have kids collect leaves and decorate them with fun supplies.
- Leaves from trees
- Googly eyes
- Markers
- Glue
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Glitter/Other decorating supplies
- Go outside and have volunteers gather leaves with the kids.
- Go back inside and explain to the kids that the leaves are going to be used to create their own characters.
- Hand out materials to kids and supervise the decorating process.
- Cut/Paste leaves onto construction paper and let kids decorate them further if they want.
Debrief Questions:
- Did you notice the different shapes of all the leaves?
- Can you guess how old that tree might be?
- Where do you think the animals would go if someone cut down the trees?
Grade Level: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Messiness Level: Sort of Messy
Activity Length: Long (>30 minutes)