Author: Janan Cain
Grades: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st
Synopsis: Feelings are neither good nor bad, they simply are. Kids need words to name their feelings, just as they need words to name all things in their world. The Way I Feel uses strong, colorful, and expressive images which go along with simple verses to help children connect the word and the emotion. Your child will learn useful words, and you will have many chances to open conversations about what’s going on in her/his life.
Debrief Questions:
- What are some situations that make you feel happy, sad, frustrated, jealous, etc.?
- Is it okay to feel sad/angry/etc.? When you have a feeling you don’t like, what is something you can do to change it?
- What is the difference between sad and bored, jealous and mad, or happy and excited?