Summary: Practice teamwork and self control in this fun candy relay!
- Plates
- Skittle candy, or M&Ms, Reese’s Pieces, etc. (make sure to check for permission and allergies)
- Straws
- Split the group into teams as you see fit.
- Set up a plate of skittles for each team, and give each participant a straw.
- Have another plate where the participants will bring the skittles to. This can be across the room or just a few feet away.
- Participants should use the straws to transport skittles from one plate to another.
- They do this by placing the straw against the skittle and breathing in.
- If your participants are having trouble, have them travel slowly between the plates.
- Play like a relay, so one participant will go at a time on each team. Once the participant gets a skittle to the other side, the next participant can go. Continue until all the skittles are transported to the other plate.
- Encourage players to cheer each other on while they play!
Debrief Questions:
- How did it feel to have your teammates supporting you and cheering you on?
- Was it better to go fast or to take your time?
Activity Length: Medium (15-30 minutes)
Energy Level: Medium
Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & Up
Group Size: Large (10+), Medium (5-9), Small (2-4)