Description: Everyone in the group makes different actions that create the sound of a rainstorm.
- Have everyone stand in a circle. Select a leader (or multiple leaders) to walk around the circle to lead these steps:
- Steadily rub your hands together
- Snap your fingers
- Pat the palms of your hands against your thighs
- Stomp your feet on the floor
- As a player in the circle, you should copy the action of the leader when they walk by you and continue that action until the pass by you again.
- After working up to stomping, the leader should reverse the order of the actions. All together it should sound like a rainstorm picking up and then calming down.
Debrief Questions:
- What would the rainstorm sound like if there was just one person making the sounds?
- How did it feel to create something as a whole group?
Activity Length: Short (<15 minutes)
Energy Level: Low
Grade Level: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Group Size: Large (10+)