Summary: A fun way for kids to compliment each other and show off their talents.
- Split the group into teams. There should be at least three players on each team.
- For each round, the facilitator will announce a category and each team must nominate a single member to demonstrate their talent in that category.
- Once each team has nominated their best member, the nominees will perform their talent.
- Categories should vary. For example: best poet, best impersonator, quickest math problem solver, most unique talent, etc.
- Continue having rounds, ideally until everyone has had the chance to be nominated by their team.
Debrief Questions:
- How did feel to be nominated by your classmates?
- What are some talents that you share with your classmates? What are some differences?
Activity Length: Medium (15-30 minutes)
Energy Level: Medium
Grade Level: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & Up
Group Size: Large (10+)