Summary: Show your appreciation for yourself and others through candy!
- Pieces of candy (ask for permission and ask about allergies)
- Have the group sit in a circle and give each player two pieces of candy. Tell them not to eat them yet.
- Explain that one piece represents something that they appreciate about the group and the other is something that they appreciate about themselves.
- Give players a minute to think about what each of their candies will be for and then go around the circle and have people share. Encourage everyone to share at least one of their kisses, but if someone is really uncomfortable, then give them the option to pass.
- Once everyone has had a turn to share, players may eat their candies.
Debrief Questions:
- Was how did it feel to be recognized?
- Why is it important to make sure other people know how much we appreciate them?
- Why is it important to appreciate yourself?
Activity Length: Medium (15-30 minutes)
Energy Level: Low
Grade Level: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Group Size: Large (10+), Medium (5-9)