Elbow Tag

Summary: A variation on tag that is lower energy and easier to control.


  1. Split the group into pairs and have the pairs spread out in the playing area. Instruct each pair to link arms and to put their outside arms on their hips.
  2. Explain that in this game, only two people will be running and everyone else will remain still. Choose a pair — one person in the pair should be the “chaser” and the other person should be the “runner.”
  3. Explain that the Chaser will be “it” and trying to catch the Runner. However, the Runner can link arms with a pair at any time by grabbing onto the empty arm of one of the members. The person in that pair that the Runner did not link up with becomes the new Runner.
  4. If the Chaser tags the Runner, then they switch roles and the Runner becomes the new Chaser.


  • For bigger groups, consider having multiple chasers and multiple runners.

Debrief Questions:

  • How did it feel when you were the chaser? How did you feel when you were the runner?
  • As time went on, did you develop a strategy?
  • What are some ways people showed cooperation during the game?
  • How did you feel when your classmates helped you by linking arms?

Activity Length: Short (<15 minutes)

Energy Level: Medium

Grade Level: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Group Size: Large (10+)